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Taking advantage of the options in simulators...[7 Options]
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Trick Member
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0. PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 10:59 am    Post subject: Taking advantage of the options in simulators...[7 Options] Reply with quote

To the Moderators of DDR Simulators: I put this thread in DDR Simulators because some of the contents below are only allowed in the Dance With Intensity and Stepmania, but not Home Consoles or Arcade Machines. If you feel the need to move/kick this thread to Chit-Chat, Game Play, Console, Arcade, or this thread needs editing then to be kicked, or you think that this thread is totally useless and needed to be locked, please feel free to do so.

*Note: All important things are in bold text. Like, DDR rocks.
^If you remember the thread above about someone getting an A on BaG with 7 options on that was posted a while ago in Chit-Chat, then you will have a pretty clear idea of what I am talking about right here.

*If you don't want to hear my life story, skip the next 5 paragraphs and start reading at "after 5 minutes."

Recently I was playing DWI with Sudden Shuffle on heavy, just for the fun of it. Later I thought of that thread again and gave this "7 options" thingie a try.

You will probably think by now, "7 options, go for it." (Either that or "are you crazy?")

But there are some problems I faced like...
...I can't play songs above 150 on 2x.
...Boost messes me up.
...I never played Dark before. I wonder what this button does?
...I never played anything on Reverse except for 1.5x because of the Extra Stage.

Basically, I play really bad with modifiers.

There are also other problems like which speed modifier should I use and I have to pick between Hidden and Sudden...

After 5 minutes I came up with two 7 options set-up.

1.5x Boost Hidden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse (H7)


0.75x Boost Sudden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse (S7)

*Note: I call them H7 and S7 to avoid typing all that.
Now, this is where my question is. (Of course, you can just give me some general opinions.) Which one is harder, or sound more impressive? 1.5x Hidden or 0.75x Sudden?

To me, they are equally <strike>easy</strike>hard.

Also, here is the options break-up. They are arranged from the hardest to the easiest. (IE: If you take off the option at the top in the 7 options, it will be much easier.)

1.5x Boost Hidden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse (H7)

  1. Hidden - Makes it easier to read arrows since you can see them reaching the bottom of the screen.
  2. Flat - To tell the difference between a gallop and 1/8 notes.
  3. Boost - Makes the arrows scrolling at a steady speed.
  4. Shuffle
  5. Reverse
  6. 1.5x
  7. Dark - A useless option since this is on Hidden.

0.75x Boost Sudden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse (S7)

  1. Sudden - Since there is the Boost, it will be way easier to read arrows ahead of time.
  2. Dark - Boost + Dark = Where are we?
  3. Shuffle
  4. Boost
  5. Flat
  6. Reverse
  7. 0.75x

If you disagree with the above options break-downs, please comment. They are just my guidelines and may vary for individual needs.

Here are some questions/comments I expected to hear, and here are the answers/replies to them. Please read them before asking a question. I hope this can cause less confusion.

1. When playing with 7 options, do you have to play it on heavy or challenge difficulty for it to be the real "7 options"?

No. You can play a beginner song, for all I care. Besides, no one is going to play it on heavy on the first time. (But I did.)
1.1. But does heavy or challenge difficulty count as an option? Can I call it "8 options"?

To me, that's kind of stupid. You can count it in if you want...If you think that it sounds impressive. *Insert :barf: smiley here*

2. Is there an "8 options" or "9 options" or something like that?

Since we are talking about simulators, you can add on anything, especially StepMania with the special effects. So adding everything possible...*The following is not an options break-down. They are not in any particular order.*

  1. 1.5x
  2. Boost
  3. Hidden
  4. Shuffle
  5. Flat
  6. Dark
  7. Reverse
  8. No Freezes
  9. Power Drop/Sudden Death
  10. Heavy/Challenge
  11. Special Effects in StepMania (IE: Flip, Wave, Space...)

Does playing with 11 options sound impressive to you? *Insert :barf: smiley here* I think not. (Although I think 9 options with Power Drop/Sudden Death and a special effect is impressive. 11 options is way overboard.)

3. Why did you put Shuffle as the 3rd or 4th in the options break-down? It should be the hardest option - without it, you can just stealth the whole song and forget about all that crap...!

As I said before, they may vary depending on the person. Also, I am basing that break-down on sight-reading...Maybe you are unfamiliar with that song, you can't stealth it, or, you never heard of that song.

4. Why can't you put "No Freezes" in as one of the options and call this 8 options?

First of all, I LOVE THE NUMBER 7. Secondly, the options are suppose to make the song harder, not easier to play. Why don't you just go ahead and put Little on instead of Flat? The point of this is to make the game harder, not easier.

5. You said that Boost messes you up, but how can you play with Boost and 6 other options? It must be on AutoPlay!

Well, my friend, That's my secret. (No, it is NOT AutoPlay.)

6. Why don't you combine those two 7 options and create only one 7 options? (And forget about all that crap...!)

So basically, you are saying...

1.5x Boost Hidden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse
+0.75 Boost Sudden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse
1.5x Boost Sudden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse <---1337!

Like that right? Alright, we got our new 7 options!


You think that I didn't think of this before? I am not that stupid. *Insert rolls eyes smiley here* (And no, I didn't type up these questions, realize that I was wrong, then change the whole post.)

Think about it: When you are play 1.5x Boost, by the time the arrows reaches the stationary arrows, they will already be scrolling at 2x. When you are play 0.75x Boost, by the time the arrows reaches the stationary arrows, they will already be scrolling at 1x. Don't forget, you are playing this on Sudden...2x Sudden...I do not have the quick reaction for that.

But, since this is one of the 7 options, and since this is a very special 7 options, it has a special name. 1.5 Boost Sudden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse, or The Ultimate 7 options (U7). Here is the option break-down:

  1. Sudden
  2. Dark
  3. Shuffle
  4. Boost
  5. Flat
  6. Reverse
  7. 0.75x

Lastly, here are some pictures of my computer while I was playing H7 or S7:

Opinions? Also, please answer my question:
I, earlier in this post wrote:
Now, this is where my question is. (Of course, you can just give me some general opinions.) Which one is harder, or sound more impressive? 1.5x Hidden or 0.75x Sudden?
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Mach X
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1. PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 11:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

you're demented ms... (btw i have a right to say this... only michaela will know why)
dance piggy, DANCE like you NEVER HAVE BEFORE!
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Trick Member
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2. PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 12:32 pm    Post subject: . Reply with quote

Well first off, with stepmania you coudl go 8 option, jsut turn on Tornado or flip, etc. Second, hidden+dark doesn't mean anything. Think about it. The arrwos dissappear halfway up the screen. So now you can't "match" them with the stationary arrows when they hit the top, can you? When you have hidden, it's all a matter of timing, whether or nto you have dark on.

Also, I never will know why you can pick flat OR dark in DDR, but not both at the same time.
LoneWolf can't clap to Vanity Angel on Dark!
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Trick Member
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3. PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 1:07 pm    Post subject: Re: . Reply with quote

~Stealth~ R3D (/-/R0|\|0 wrote:
Well first off, with stepmania you coudl go 8 option, jsut turn on Tornado or flip, etc. Second, hidden+dark doesn't mean anything. Think about it. The arrwos dissappear halfway up the screen. So now you can't "match" them with the stationary arrows when they hit the top, can you? When you have hidden, it's all a matter of timing, whether or nto you have dark on.

Also, I never will know why you can pick flat OR dark in DDR, but not both at the same time.

I think you can only pick Flat OR Dark on an Extreme machine, for example. Why did they do that?

Also, I think Dark in Hidden+Dark is useless because they disappears and they won't appear again until you miss that arrow.
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4. PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was just fooling around with options in SM.

I full combo'ed Xenon 8x brake mini shuffle with 16 greats and 54 perfects (the rest marvelous).

Changing it to 12x got me 6 misses and added 10 to 15 on the above stats.

Then I tried to go back to playing normally and then my PA started to get worse.
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Trick Member
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5. PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 7:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I did BMR's V with 3x, boost, hidden, flat, shuffle, reverse, dark, Power Drop... 8 optioning isn't really that hard. I hate boost. With boost on it's so hard to hit the arrow right if it is synced improperly... ugh. Would it still count as 7-optioning if I took off boost? If so, then I AA'd BMR's V 7-optioned. Bleh...

I don't use SM... so... yeah... The only slot I didn't choose an option on was "No Freeze"... which I think is just retarded to use. X_x
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Trick Member
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6. PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saiyajin wrote:
I did BMR's V with 3x, boost, hidden, flat, shuffle, reverse, dark, Power Drop... 8 optioning isn't really that hard. I hate boost. With boost on it's so hard to hit the arrow right if it is synced improperly... ugh. Would it still count as 7-optioning if I took off boost? If so, then I AA'd BMR's V 7-optioned. Bleh...

I don't use SM... so... yeah... The only slot I didn't choose an option on was "No Freeze"... which I think is just retarded to use. X_x

You can say that you 7-optioned it, but not H7ed it...And why did boost matter? It's on hidden...I think you mean when it is scrolling down then it just boosts up and you can't tell between a gallop and 1/8 notes? I had that problem with the song A challenge.

Here is a real 8-option - 1.5x Boost Hidden Shuffle Flat Dark Reverse SUDDEN DEATH:
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Trick Member
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7. PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't see how that makes a difference at ALL. WHO CARES if it's on 1.5x instead of 3x. Jeez... I call that 8-optioning it, regardless what you think, all-mighty judge of DWI classification. ;_;
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Trick Member
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8. PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saiyajin wrote:
I don't see how that makes a difference at ALL. WHO CARES if it's on 1.5x instead of 3x. Jeez... I call that 8-optioning it, regardless what you think, all-mighty judge of DWI classification. ;_;

I am going to ignore the last part completely.

It doesn't matter, sorry if I offended you or anything...But 3x...That's too fast for me. (That makes everything scrolling at around 300 or 400.)
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9. PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I use 3x all the time, sometimes with the note skin. Otherwise I use the mods when I am totally bored out of my mind.
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